Chore Cards for Teens & Tweens
Do you want your older kids to have chores that are more suited to their abilities?
Do you want your tweens & teens to help out more and learn responsibility?
Studies prove over & over again that chores are one of the best things that we can give our kids because it teaches them to work hard and leads them to internal happiness, satisfaction, and success when they are adults.
On top of that, chores teach our children that we are a family... and families work to help one another.
Today's chore cards were made for your older kids. They include chore cards for preteens and chore cards for teens.
The pack includes 50+ Printable Cards

What Are Age-Appropriate Chores for Teenagers?
It's important to assign age-appropriate chores for kids. It helps with their development and sense of accomplishment and pride.
I've always seen (and created) chore cards for younger children, and I've even made "Screentime for Chores" cards but now that I have teenagers, I was ready to give them chores to match their abilities.
They were ready for more responsibility and I was ready to give it to them, but I felt like our chore cards were filled with too many "easy" chores (well, "easy" now that they are older and can do more), so I created these chore cards for tweens & teens.
I choose which cards each child can choose and I put those chores into that child's jar.
Remember, you know your child better than anyone else, so use your judgment to decide which chores your child is ready for and which ones will need to wait a few more months (or longer).

Included are two sets of cards: same chores, different look
SET ONE Contains a Colorful Background with a dark banner:

SET TWO Contains a White Background with a teal banner:

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How to use the cards:
- Download your chore cards once you've received them in your email inbox.
- Print the cards on printer paper or cardstock, from your printer.
- (Optional) Laminate the cards to help them last longer.
- Cut the cards apart and keep them in a place where you and your children have easy access to them.
Each day, choose chores that need to be completed. You can also let your child choose (or you can give them an option of a few different choices).
Have your child return them to the jar or basket when they have completed the chore and you have approved the job they've done.
How to use both sets:
Helpful Parenting Tips:
- Always help your child when they are learning a new chore. Children may not know that "clean the toilet" means to clean the handle, the top, the base, the seat, under the seat, the rim, and the inside of the toilet. We even include cleaning the floor around the toilet with our "clean the toilet" task. It is up to me to teach our children how to do this if I expect them to do it on their own. Trust me, taking time out to teach them properly pays off ten-fold.
- We keep our chore basket in the pantry. It's out of sight for anyone other than our family, but our kids see it on a daily basis.
- After you've checked the chore has been done correctly, reward your child for helping with time to play, relax, or hang out with you. Our kids know that when they help me out by doing chores, it frees up my time so we can have more time to play together.
- If you want to print multiple sets, you can keep them in different areas of your house so you can grab a chore quickly if you need on.
- When starting out, start with either two lighter chores or one longer chore. Don't overwhelm your child or they will begrudge doing chores. Make it something that they can accomplish and feel proud of the work they've done.
Do kids really need chores?
Yes! Research Proves Kids Who Do Chores Grow Up To Be:
- Happier
- Healthier
- More successful adults
- Equipped with skills to survive on their own
- Able to get along well with others
- More responsible
- Hard workers with a strong work ethic
- Accountable (read below)
"The Harvard Grant Study [finds] that professional success in life...comes from having done chores as a kid. If kids aren't doing the dishes, it means someone else is doing that for them. And so they're absolved of not only the work, but of learning that work has to be done and that each one of us must contribute for the betterment of the whole." - Lythcott-Haims (TED Talk)
"Each time that we ask our children to pitch in and help out, we are giving our children the gift to teach them to become independent, strong, hard-working, successful, happy adults."
What Will You Get With This Purchase?
A high-resolution PDF file with TWO different sets of chores for kids. Print on letter-size 8.5 X 11 (any card paper, stock paper, or printer paper will do!)
Download your digital files in just 3 easy steps!
- Purchase
- Download on the following "thank you" page (or check your email for another copy).
- Open the file by downloading it. (It will save as "Two-Set Packet of Chore Cards for Older Kids" on your computer)
- Print any or all pages! (You don't have to print them all - you pick which ones will work best for your family.)
- You have lifetime access to these files.
For easier downloading, you can use ADOBE READER.
It is available to download for FREE here:
Only for personal use, not for resale.