In this planner, I have over 35 printables for you (menu calendars, cleaning schedules, school schedules, chore lists, budget printables, finance sheets & so much more). It is everything that you need to keep your family & home organized.
This planner will cover many topics...

- Cleaning basic
- Cleaning Detailed
- Chores for kids
- Empty Chore list for kids, as well, so you can make your own
- Room by room Cleaning (detailed list & basic lists)

- Budgets
- Getting out of debt
- Weekly spending tracker, debt payment plan, a monthly budget tracker with bills already suggested

- Family Information
- Password tracker
- Info for the babysitter
- Important numbers
- To-Do lists for the day & for the week

- School Information
- Bus info
- School info
- School times
- Calendars
- Lunch menu
- Homework schedule
- Projects
- Activities
- Menus (home & school)
- Meal planner
- Shopping Lists by category (meats, produce, etc…)
- Food substitutions to keep in the kitchen (example: if you don’t have butter, use this instead)

This planner has so much more... I hope you enjoy it!