Getting Ready For Kindergarten

Kindergarten is a wonderful place and I want to talk about what your child needs to know before kindergarten! It is full of curiosity and learning, but it can also be a little scary for your child (and for the adults!)

I can remember when our oldest child was ready to go and I turned to my husband and said: “Is he really ready?” It was the same question that I had heard many times when I was the Kindergarten teacher welcoming parents and children into my classroom.

A few years ago, I wrote a post about the 5 things that your child should know before Kindergarten and it has gone crazy.   This lets me know that it was definitely something on everyones’ minds… not just my own. Negative, with over 1,000 comments.

 “Research tells us that the brain development in a child’s first 6 years of life far exceeds any other time in life. Because of this, it is important to harness this time to engage kids in learning to love learning. But as a mom, I have seen all too well how quickly our children grow up.

I don’t want to put unnecessary pressure on them to “achieve” by insisting on drill-and-practice or worksheets. I do, however, want to encourage a life-long love for learning by encouraging creative play and interest-based learning.”
- Janae Jacobson, co-author. 

Your child can be prepared through play and everyday life.   Normal routines that are steered towards helping your child learn are the perfect practices of preparation for Kindergarten.

Today, I am SO excited to announce that Jenae and I have finished writing our new book: Getting Ready For Kindergarten.   We are both teachers and parents.   We have been on the teaching side and we are now able to see it from the parenting side… I think that to truly understand Kindergarten Readiness you should be able to see it from both sides. This has enabled us to provide you with tips to help your child prepare for Kindergarten without any stress!


Here is what you can expect from Getting Ready for Kindergarten:

  • Written by teachers:  We are both former teachers and we have spent a lot of time researching, talking and combining ideas to come up with the very best ones for this book.
  • We are mothers:   As moms to children of multiple ages, we are able to look at what Kindergarten Readiness looks like in many different families.
  • Includes the Building Blocks of Kindergarten:  We have laid out 47 “building blocks”, or skills, that we feel are important for your child to have experience with before starting kindergarten.  Your child’s developmental block tower will have a different shape than my child’s or your neighbor’s, but everyone is working towards the goal of encouraging kids to love learning and to be successful.  Sometimes our blocks will be sideways or scattered, but they still provide a necessary foundation for future learning.

  • Emphasizes all Aspects of Development:  Social and self-help development are of equal importance to number recognition and pre-reading skills.  We look at the whole child, not just school subjects.
  • Includes Common Sense Tips:  This is not a workbook, rather this book is chock full of real-life, hands-on common sense tips for moms and dads.  We have included a few printables in the appendix of the book, but the majority of the book is simple ways to engage with your kids through play and real-world experiences.



I can promise you that you will be so grateful to have this little guidebook on hand.  You can prepare any child for Kindergarten using these tips.  They are play-based and routine-based, so they are going to fit into every lifestyle.

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